Como Secondary College offers both Department of Education approved specialist programs and school-based programs.
All students entering Year 7 in 2026 are welcome to apply from Term 1 2025.
The closing date for applications is 06 June 2025.
Como’s four long-running and highly successful Department of Education approved specialist programs are:
- Golf
- Hockey
- Music
- Enriched Mathematics, Information Technology and Science (EMITS)
Students who have a passion in these areas can take part in a carefully crafted program designed to extend, enrich and accelerate their development.
Please note students can be accepted into one Department of Education-Approved Specialist Program only.
Specialist Music Program

Our unique, well-rounded music program provides each year level with a balanced swing band so that students can perform together during class time.
The course gives a thorough grounding for entry into Jazz and Contemporary Music Studies at the Conservatorium of Music (WAAPA) and at the University of Western Australia.
Enriched Mathematics, Information Technology and Science (EMITS) Program

The EMITS program offers students with a passion for mathematics, science and information technology the opportunity to hone their skills in an exciting and challenging way. It’s designed to equip students with a comprehensive toolbox of EMITS-related skills that will further their abilities at a tertiary level – and it’s run through a close relationship with Curtin University.
Specialist Golf Academy

The Como Golf Academy is dedicated to producing highly skilled career golfers. Golf becomes the central option of study and is carefully integrated with the students’ mainstream school program.
The Golf Academy is designed for students who demonstrate developing golf playing ability. It is essential students can exhibit behaviours that reflect a strong work ethic, a willingness to learn new skills and..
Specialist Hockey Academy

Como’s long-established specialist Hockey Academy has a tradition of stellar achievement at both national and international levels. The Academy is designed for students who display developing hockey-playing ability and are willing to incorporate Hockey as a major area of their school studies.
Students receive a diverse hockey-playing experience with a focus on skill development, physical..

Create@Como is a school-based specialist program for students who love reading, drawing or performing. Create@Como offers the opportunity to develop talents and explore feelings, thoughts and ideas through writing and the creative arts. Students in the Create@Como program are provided with the resources, skills and foundation knowledge to prepare for an arts-based academic pathway.