Support for Students & Parents

Student Services Team

At Como Secondary School we have a dedicated support network for both students and parents.

Our Student Services Team comprises of

Student Services Manager

Student Services Coordinator

Student Services Good Standing and Event Coordinator

Student Services School Officer 

School Psychologist


College Nurse

Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer (AIEO)


Como Secondary College uses iyarn to maintain the health and wellbeing of student groups.

iyarn is a student and teacher wellbeing tool to assist schools with checking in on it’s people, more information on iyarn can be found here. 


SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support families in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting.

This resource can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle. It helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and well being for young people.

Student Services Manager

The Student Services Manager oversees and coordinates the activities within the Student Services Team. They provide support for the students and families on a social and emotional level and liaise with external agencies where needed. The team offer support to students at educational risk and assist all students with pastoral care or  mental health issues. The Student Services Manager works closely with local primary schools  to smooth the transition process into secondary school and organises extracurricular activities throughout the year.  The Manager is active in the positive behaviour program throughout the school.

The Student Services Manager ensures correct procedure is followed and policy is adhered to.

School Psychologist

Our School Psychologist  provides  psychological services   and   evidence-based   assessments   and   interventions   in   mental   health   and   well-being, behaviour, risk and critical incident management, learning and disability.  The psychologist works closely with the school administration, teachers, students and parents. Students may self-refer (via Student Services) or may be referred after consultation with parents


For many students and families, high school life can be difficult and confusing as both students and parents face new challenges. One of the roles of the Chaplain is to encourage and support members of the College community as they come to terms with these challenges. As part of the Student Services team, the Chaplain works together with the Year Coordinators, the Psychologist and the Nurse. One of the key elements of the Chaplain’s role is to be accessible to members of the community to discuss and assist in a broad range of areas, including issues such as bullying and teasing, through to personal, family and relationship issues. Appointments to see the Chaplain can be made discreetly at the Chaplain’s Office.

Aboriginal and Islander
Education Officer

The role of an AIEO in a school is to work specifically on matters related to the teaching and learning of our Indigenous students. This includes pastoral support and working with teaching staff to help them work effectively with these students. Aboriginal and Islander families of our students are welcome to contact our AIEO to discuss their concerns about their children. 

School Nurse

The College Nurse is based on-site in the Health Centre. The role of the College Nurse is different to that of a nurse in a hospital. Here “health” relates to mental and social health as well as physical health. With that in mind, the focus of the School Nurse is health promotion, prevention and early intervention whilst encouraging the students to be responsible for their own health and well-being.

External Support

There are many outside community agencies and support groups available. 

Suitable services can be identified through your GP, recommendations or searching the web.

Confidential services are also available via the services below, with many online resources available.

Call 000 in an emergency if you feel someone is at risk of harm OR for mental health emergency assessment, support and referral contact:

Urgent Mental Health Telephone Support Line supports children and young people under 18 years (family who have concerns can call 24 hours a day/7 days a week inclusive of public holidays) – 1800 048 636.

Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL) 18 years + is 24/7 – 1300 552 002 (metro) Peel callers – 1800 676 822 (free call).

RuralLink for Rural and remote areas from 4:30 pm to 8:30 am (Mon to Fri) and 24 hrs (Sat,Sun and public holidays) – 1800 552 002

Find your GP after-hours clinic. Call after hours GP Helpline1800 022 222

If you need someone to talk to:

Womens Domestic Violence Helpline

1800 007 339


1300 224 636

Crisis Care Helpline

9223 1111 Or Country Toll Free 1800 199 008


1800 650 890

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800


13 11 14

Men’s Line Australia

1300 789 978

Suicide Call Back Service

1300 659 467

The Samaritans

135 247 (7AM to 7PM)

Online support can be accessed through the WA Mental Health Commission