Years 7-10
Como has a wide range of programs focussed on the needs and characteristics of individual students. They range from those designed to challenge and extend academically capable students to programs which assist and support students to overcome individual learning obstacles.
What will my child study in early secondary school?
Years 7-8
The School Curriculum & Standards Authority (SCSA) require that all students study the following:
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Health & Physical Education
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Digital Technologies & Design
With the exception of some specialist programs, all students at Como in Year 7 & 8 must study a language, either French or Indonesian.
From 2022 onwards there are no exceptions and all students in Year 7 must study a language: and in 2023 all students in Years 7 & 8 must study a language.
Years 9-10
In these years students must still do Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities & Social Sciences and Health & Physical Education. However, Language, The Art and Technologies become electives, that is, students can choose what they wish to study.
Years 11-12
What will my child study in late secondary school?
The senior school curriculum is based on providing students with every opportunity to achieve the West Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). This is the minimum aim for every student.
In order to reach this goal, Como senior students must:
- Complete a minimum of 20 units (which can include VET study) in Year 11 & 12, including:
- English in Year 11 & 12
- At least one List A subject (arts, languages, social sciences)
- At least one List B subject (mathematics, science, technology)
- Achieve 14 C grades or better in Years 11 & 12 (6 of which much be achieved in Year 12)
- All 3 OLNA’s, Numeracy, Reading & Writing
- From 2021 all Year 12s will not require a Certificate if enrolled in the General pathway
What is WACE?
The WACE is a certificate recognised nationally in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). It signifies that a student has successfully met the breadth and depth standard, the achievement standard and the literacy and numeracy standard in their senior secondary schooling. It is a minimum requirement for many careers and grants entrance into most universities.
However, pathways to employment, further training and university are continually changing and evolving. At Como, we put a lot of effort into working with families to ensure students are provided with a suitable course.